7 research outputs found

    A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications

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    Open Science is a paradigm in which scientific data, procedures, tools and results are shared transparently and reused by society. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is an effort in Europe to provide an open, trusted, virtual and federated computing environment to execute scientific applications and store, share and reuse research data across borders and scientific disciplines. Additionally, scientific services are becoming increasingly data-intensive, not only in terms of computationally intensive tasks but also in terms of storage resources. To meet those resource demands, computing paradigms such as High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud Computing are applied to e-science applications. However, adapting applications and services to these paradigms is a challenging task, commonly requiring a deep knowledge of the underlying technologies, which often constitutes a general barrier to its uptake by scientists. In this context, EOSC-Synergy, a collaborative project involving more than 20 institutions from eight European countries pooling their knowledge and experience to enhance EOSC’s capabilities and capacities, aims to bring EOSC closer to the scientific communities. This article provides a summary analysis of the adaptations made in the ten thematic services of EOSC-Synergy to embrace this paradigm. These services are grouped into four categories: Earth Observation, Environment, Biomedicine, and Astrophysics. The analysis will lead to the identification of commonalities, best practices and common requirements, regardless of the thematic area of the service. Experience gained from the thematic services can be transferred to new services for the adoption of the EOSC ecosystem framework. The article made several recommendations for the integration of thematic services in the EOSC ecosystem regarding Authentication and Authorization (federated regional or thematic solutions based on EduGAIN mainly), FAIR data and metadata preservation solutions (both at cataloguing and data preservation—such as EUDAT’s B2SHARE), cloud platform-agnostic resource management services (such as Infrastructure Manager) and workload management solutions.This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857647, EOSC-Synergy, European Open Science Cloud - Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities. Moreover, this work is partially funded by grant No 2015/24461-2, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Francisco Brasileiro is a CNPq/Brazil researcher (grant 308027/2020-5).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 20 autors/es: Amanda Calatrava, Hernán Asorey, Jan Astalos, Alberto Azevedo, Francesco Benincasa, Ignacio Blanquer, Martin Bobak, Francisco Brasileiro, Laia Codó, Laura del Cano, Borja Esteban, Meritxell Ferret, Josef Handl, Tobias Kerzenmacher, Valentin Kozlov, Aleš Křenek, Ricardo Martins, Manuel Pavesio, Antonio Juan Rubio-Montero, Juan Sánchez-Ferrero "Postprint (published version

    The Quest for Orthologs orthology benchmark service in 2022

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    The Orthology Benchmark Service (https://orthology.benchmarkservice.org) is the gold standard for orthology inference evaluation, supported and maintained by the Quest for Orthologs consortium. It is an essential resource to compare existing and new methods of orthology inference (the bedrock for many comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis) over a standard dataset and through common procedures. The Quest for Orthologs Consortium is dedicated to maintaining the resource up to date, through regular updates of the Reference Proteomes and increasingly accessible data through the OpenEBench platform. For this update, we have added a new benchmark based on curated orthology assertion from the Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee, and provided an example meta-analysis of the public predictions present on the platform.European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) (core funds to D.J. and M.J.M.); National Institutes of Health [U24HG007822 to D.J. and M.J.M., 75N93019C00077 to D.S.R.]; National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) [U24HG003345 to T.E.M.J, B.Y., E.A.B.]; JSPS KAKENHI [16H06279, 19H05688 to W.I.]; JST CREST [JPMJCR19S2 to W.I.]; MEXT [JPMXD1521474594 to W.I.]; Horizon 2020 [676559 to S.C.-G., 637765] (to D.M.E.), ELIXIR (to S.C.-G.); Wellcome Grant [208349/Z/17/Z to E.A.B.]; National Science Foundation (USA) [1917302 to P.D.T.]; Wellcome Trust [WT-218288, WT-212929 to D.S.R.]; Service and Infrastructure grant from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Swiss National Science Foundation [186397, 205085 to C.D.]. Funding for open access charge: Swiss National Science Foundation [205085].Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 31 autors/es: Yannis Nevers, Tamsin E M Jones, Dushyanth Jyothi, Bethan Yates, Meritxell Ferret, Laura Portell-Silva, Laia Codo, Salvatore Cosentino, Marina Marcet-Houben, Anna Vlasova, Laetitia Poidevin, Arnaud Kress, Mark Hickman, Emma Persson, Ivana Piližota, Cristina Guijarro-Clarke, the OpenEBench team the Quest for Orthologs Consortium , Wataru Iwasaki, Odile Lecompte, Erik Sonnhammer, David S Roos, Toni Gabaldón, David Thybert, Paul D Thomas, Yanhui Hu, David M Emms, Elspeth Bruford, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Maria J Martin, Christophe Dessimoz, Adrian Altenhoff"Postprint (published version

    A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications

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    Open Science is a paradigm in which scientific data, procedures, tools and results are shared transparently and reused by society as a whole. The initiative known as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an effort in Europe to provide an open, trusted, virtual and federated computing environment to execute scientific applications, and to store, share and re-use research data across borders and scientific disciplines. Additionally, scientific services are becoming increasingly data-intensive, not only in terms of computationally intensive tasks but also in terms of storage resources. Computing paradigms such as High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud Computing are applied to e-science applications to meet these demands. However, adapting applications and services to these paradigms is not a trivial task, commonly requiring a deep knowledge of the underlying technologies, which often constitutes a barrier for its uptake by scientists in general. In this context, EOSC-SYNERGY, a collaborative project involving more than 20 institutions from eight European countries pooling their knowledge and experience to enhance EOSC\u27s capabilities and capacities, aims to bring EOSC closer to the scientific communities. This article provides a summary analysis of the adaptations made in the ten thematic services of EOSC-SYNERGY to embrace this paradigm. These services are grouped into four categories: Earth Observation, Environment, Biomedicine, and Astrophysics. The analysis will lead to the identification of commonalities, best practices and common requirements, regardless of the thematic area of the service. Experience gained from the thematic services could be transferred to new services for the adoption of the EOSC ecosystem framework

    The Quest for Orthologs orthology benchmark service in 2022

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    The Orthology Benchmark Service evaluation, supported and maintained by the Quest for Orthologs consortium. It is an essential resource to compare existing and new methods of orthology inference (the bedrock for many comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis) over a standard dataset and through common procedures. The Quest for Orthologs Consortium is dedicated to maintaining the resource up to date, through regular updates of the Reference Proteomes and increasingly accessible data through the OpenEBench platform. For this update, we have added a new benchmark based on curated orthology assertion from the Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee, and provided an example meta-analysis of the public predictions present on the platform.ISSN:1362-4962ISSN:0301-561

    Extensible benchmarking of methods that identify and quantify polyadenylation sites from RNA-seq data.

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    The tremendous rate with which data is generated and analysis methods emerge makes it increasingly difficult to keep track of their domain of applicability, assumptions, limitations, and consequently, of the efficacy and precision with which they solve specific tasks. Therefore, there is an increasing need for benchmarks, and for the provision of infrastructure for continuous method evaluation. APAeval is an international community effort, organized by the RNA Society in 2021, to benchmark tools for the identification and quantification of the usage of alternative polyadenylation (APA) sites from short-read, bulk RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data. Here, we reviewed 17 tools and benchmarked eight on their ability to perform APA identification and quantification, using a comprehensive set of RNA-seq experiments comprising real, synthetic, and matched 3'-end sequencing data. To support continuous benchmarking, we have incorporated the results into the OpenEBench online platform, which allows for continuous extension of the set of methods, metrics, and challenges. We envisage that our analyses will assist researchers in selecting the appropriate tools for their studies, while the containers and reproducible workflows could easily be deployed and extended to evaluate new methods or data sets

    The Quest for Orthologs orthology benchmark service in 2022.

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    The Orthology Benchmark Service (https://orthology.benchmarkservice.org) is the gold standard for orthology inference evaluation, supported and maintained by the Quest for Orthologs consortium. It is an essential resource to compare existing and new methods of orthology inference (the bedrock for many comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis) over a standard dataset and through common procedures. The Quest for Orthologs Consortium is dedicated to maintaining the resource up to date, through regular updates of the Reference Proteomes and increasingly accessible data through the OpenEBench platform. For this update, we have added a new benchmark based on curated orthology assertion from the Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee, and provided an example meta-analysis of the public predictions present on the platform

    The quest for orthologs Orthology Benchmark Service in 2022

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    The Orthology Benchmark Service (https://orthology.benchmarkservice.org) is the gold standard for orthology inference evaluation, supported and maintained by the Quest for Orthologs consortium. It is an essential resource to compare existing and new methods of orthology inference (the bedrock for many comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis) over a standard dataset and through common procedures. The Quest for Orthologs Consortium is dedicated to maintaining the resource up to date, through regular updates of the Reference Proteomes and increasingly accessible data through the OpenEBench platform. For this update, we have added a new benchmark based on curated orthology assertion from the Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee, and provided an example meta-analysis of the public predictions present on the platform